Questions and Answers
Q: What is the function of in SRS app?
A: Can directly topup credit to the customer number, friend number and so on for all telco.Q: What is the use of PIN in the SRS application?
A: Can connect to Mini Thermal Bluetooth Printer to get a top up PIN number as in 7Eleven and no need to keep many coupon at shop.
Q: Is SRS App is able to pay for Maxis, Umobile, Celcom, Digi bill or others?
A: Yes, you can direct pay bill same like at centre for various telco at PAY BILL menu.
Q: What is the use of My Account in the SRS application?
A: - Check balance (To check the available balance in your account)
- Check transaction. It mean to check every transaction you made like top up, pay bill....
- Status:
- Refunded (Not success, money already return to your top up account)
- Success (Success) - Sales report
- Bank in (Buy credit)
- Agent info (Check what discount rate you get)
- Bank in List (To check bank in status you bank in as credit)
Q: How to fill in the BANK IN space in the SRS app?
A: HOW TO FiLL IN Example
- Select MBB bank (MAYBANK).
- Date DDMM (date and month) 10/10/2018 Eg: 1010.
- Time 24-hour (bank time in) 01:50:25 PM Ex: 1350.
- Amount (please fill in the amount already in the bank, minimum is RM101 and above).
- Reference (fill in bank ref num or key in own registered mobile number).
- Finished click Submit.
** Minimum bank in RM101 and above and special value.
Q: What is Bank In Status?
A: To check bank in status is success or not.
Q: What is the Setting function in the SRS app?
- Update product (To update and get product and latest info from company)
- Select printer (To connect bluetooth thermal mini printer to print TOP UP PIN like in 7 Eleven)
- Test printer (To test printer whether is connected to your handphone or not)
Q: What is the function of SIGN UP in the SRS app?
A: You can direct register new number as your downline here by key in name and number.
Q: What is Share Love?
A: Share Love is a function you can transfer credit in your top up account to your downline.
Q: What is the function of ACCOUNT INFORMATION at MY ACCOUNT menu in the SRS app?
A: Check Balance (To check the available balance in your account).
Q: What is the function of TOP UP CREDIT at MY ACCOUNT menu in the SRS app?
A: To topup credit into your own account.
Q: What is the function of AGENT INFO at MY ACCOUNT menu in the SRS app?
A: To check what discount rates you get for all product.
Q: What is the function of CHECK TRANSACTION at MY ACCOUNT menu in the SRS app?
A: To check the transaction status made.
Q: What is the function of SALES REPORT at MY ACCOUNT in the SRS app?
A: You can check sales report, credit transfer report and credit received report in specific time.
Q: What is the function of SELECT PRINTER at SETTING menu in the SRS app?
A: You can connect to mini thermal bluetooth printer with SRS app and print PIN out.
Q: What is the function of TEST PRINTER at SETTING menu in the SRS app?
A: Check mini thermal bluetooth printer can connect to SRS app.
Q: What is the function of UPDATE APPLICATION at SETTING menu in the SRS app?
A: To update SRS to latest version.
Q: What is the function of UPDATE PRODUCT at SETTING menu in the SRS app?
A: You can update latest product listing.
Q: What is the function of PERMISSION SETTING at SETTING menu in the SRS app?
A: You can change your SRS permissions to access to your phone's function.
Q: What is the function of LOG OUT at MY ACCOUNT menu in the SRS app?
A: You can log out your account.